Exclusive: Mainstream pundits are outraged over a Silicon Valley barbarian riding in and defacing The New Republic, a temple to all that is wonderful about deep-thinking policymaking and long-form journalism. But the truth about the Washington-based magazine is much less honorable,…
Shielding Israel’s Secret Nukes
A glaring case of hypocrisy is that the U.S. government berates Iran for a non-weaponized nuclear program while fighting to protect Israel’s large, sophisticated and undeclared nuclear arsenal, a double standard that led the Obama administration to oppose a nuclear-free…
Stifling Dissent on the Upper East Side
Consortiumnews Sets End-of-Year Goal
From Editor Robert Parry: We are setting the goal for our end-of-year fund drive at $50,000, not a huge sum but enough so we can put Consortiumnews on a firmer financial footing. That means we will need help from small,…
If You Were Dropped from Email List…
From Editor Robert Parry: I want to apologize to any readers who were inadvertently dropped from our email list for story notifications. Because the vendor handling that email service was raising rates based on size of email lists, we tried…
Propaganda’s Triumph over Journalism
Legacy of Whites Killing Black ‘Demons’
The police officer who killed Michael Brown convinced a St. Louis grand jury not to indict by likening the unarmed 18-year-old black man to “a demon” who looked “mad that I’m shooting at him” language reminiscent of an earlier era when…
Ukraine’s Made-in-USA Finance Minister
Exclusive: A top problem of Ukraine has been corruption and cronyism, so it may raise eyebrows that new Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko, an ex-U.S. diplomat and newly minted Ukrainian citizen, was involved in insider dealings while managing a $150 million U.S. AID-backed…
Sinking Deeper into the Mideast
The Impending Failure in Afghanistan
America’s neocon-driven foreign policy is more about political one-ups-man-ship in Official Washington than the realities on the ground in countries like Afghanistan where the U.S. military is then expected to do more than is possible, leading to failure after failure,…
Raw Deal for Black Freedom Trail
Exclusive: Columbia Pike has long been the most neglected corridor in Arlington, Virginia, despite or perhaps because of its historic role as the freedom trail for thousands of African-Americans fleeing the Confederacy and slavery. That neglect now has a new…
Asking Christians about Tolerance of War
Many Americans are tuning out on politics and international affairs feeling they have no real say in what the government does but there is a danger from such passivity, particularly the license given to the powers-that-be to make war and…
Obama, the People and the Facts
The Right’s Dubious Claim to Madison
From the Archive: Central to the question of whether America’s Right is correct that the Constitution mandated a weak central government is the person of James Madison and what he and his then-fellow Federalists were doing at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, wrote…
Americans Losing Faith in Democracy
Except perhaps on the well-funded Right with its potent Fox News/talk radio media machine, Americans feel increasingly powerless to influence policies either to address their economic plight or to curtail the nation’s overseas military adventures, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R.…