Despite a difficult history, Scotland and England have approached their modern differences within the democratic process with Scottish nationalists sweeping recent parliamentary elections but Israel has chosen cruel repression toward the Palestinians leading to a very different result, says ex-CIA…
Enforcing the Ukraine ‘Group Think’
The Reasons for Urban Rioting
America as Dangerous Flailing Beast
Why Write about NFL’s ‘Deflategate’
Obama’s Petulant WWII Snub of Russia
Saudi Cash Wins France’s Favor
Drone Deaths v. Broken Windows
The Danger of Resurgent Anti-Semitism
Amnesty International’s Palestine Sell-out
Holes in NFL’s ‘Deflategate’ Report
Entangled in Sunni-Shiite Wars
Gifting Russia ‘Free-Market’ Extremism
Exclusive: Official Washington’s Putin-bashing knows no bounds as the Russian president’s understandable complaints about U.S. triumphalism and NATO expansion, after the Soviet collapse in the 1990s, are dismissed as signs of his “paranoia” and “revisionism,” writes Robert Parry.
US Media Shields Saudi War on Yemen
The War over the Vietnam War
Papering Over Extra-Judicial Killings
The Obama administration, like its predecessor, holds that the “exceptional” U.S. has the right to enter other countries to kill “terrorists,” but it would never tolerate, say, Cuba targeting CIA-trained terrorists harbored in Miami, one of many double standards posing as…
The Inhuman Failure of ‘Austerity’
Fear and Loathing in Baltimore
Might Israel Ever Surrender Its Nukes?
Why Iran Must Be America’s Enemy
Though Iran is arguably the major regional bulwark against Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, the Saudi-Israeli alliance insists that Iran is the Mideast’s bête noire, so the Obama administration falls in line with that narrative even as it seeks a…