As Israel joins Saudi Arabia and other Sunni sheikdoms in their sectarian war against the Shiites, Israel’s new front may well be in Lebanon, with Israel attacking Hezbollah in a move that could also kill the Iran nuclear deal, as…
Persecution of CIA’s Jeffrey Sterling
More Video Fakery on MH-17
Exclusive: Australia’s “60 Minutes” program refuses to admit the obvious: that it messed up in determining the location where the “getaway” video was taken after last July’s Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 shoot-down. Instead, the show presented an update with more deceptive…
Blocking a Nuclear-Free Mideast
Saudis Eye Human Rights Chair
How to Honor Memorial Day
Exclusive: Of all the world’s holidays commemorating wars, Memorial Day should be one of sober reflection on war’s horrible costs, surely not a moment to glorify warfare or lust for more wars. But many pols and pundits can’t resist the opportunity,…
One More Casualty of US Wars
Obama Winks at Terrorist Gains
Why Islamic State Is Winning
Israel Seeks International Law Rewrite
Drone Warfare’s Costs and Benefits
Lethal drones are President Obama’s weapon of choice in striking at suspected Al-Qaeda terrorists in remote areas, but as with any weapon of war there must be a cost-benefit analysis, including whether drone strikes create more enemies than they kill, as ex-CIA…
The MH-17 Propaganda War
Obama’s Strategic Shift
False Comparison of N. Korea to Iran
Israel’s Plan to Kill Lebanese Civilians
You Be the Judge
Punishing Poland for US Crimes
While former U.S. officials continue to deny torturing “war on terror” detainees and President Obama fails to enforce any meaningful accountability countries from the old Soviet bloc are confronting their complicity in the CIA’s crimes, writes Nat Parry.
On Iraq/Torture, Still in Denial
Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Bluster
Fake Evidence Blaming Russia for MH-17?
Exclusive: Pointing the finger of blame at Russian President Putin for the Malaysia Airlines shoot-down last July, an Australian news show claims to have found the spot where the Russian BUK missile battery made its getaway, but the images don’t…