Category: Until This Day–Historical Perspectives on the News

The Pearl of the Indian Ocean

Thirty years after the capture of Mogadishu by opposition forces, Mohamed Duale and Jabril Abdullahi reflect on it now, as a tale of four cities. 

COVID-19: Outrage is Not Enough

Vijay Prashad and Noam Chomsky call for an investigation of the  failure of the governments of Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Narendra Modi and others to break the chain of the infection.  

Capital Punishment in the Final Days of Trump

Another  federal execution was just carried out early Wednesday. Two more are scheduled for this week after both stays were lifted. Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg reports on these last three cases and declining U.S. support for the death penalty. 

War of the Financial Worlds

A stock market gobbling up wealth in the middle of a punishing pandemic reminds Nomi Prins of a sci-fi classic about an invasion from Mars. 

Forever Wars: Will They Ever End?

The wars since Sept. 11 are part of Joe Biden’s legacy, writes Nick Turse. But the president-elect enters the White House with an opportunity to make good on his pledge to end them.