There’s no going back to the neoliberal consensus, writes Jonathan Cook. We have entered the age of political populism – a natural response to burgeoning inequality.
Category: U.S.
COVID-19: Tyson Managers Accused of Betting on How Many Workers Would Get Virus
A lawsuit alleges that a boss at one facility “organized a cash-buy-in, winner-take-all, betting pool for supervisors and managers to wager how many plant employees would test positive.”
ELECTION 2020: War Profiteers, Chickenhawks & Consultants
The members of the incoming president’s agency review teams are a rebuke to the idea of a Biden administration getting pushed left, writes Kevin Gosztola.
The Korean War’s Forgotten Lessons on the Evil of Intervention
It’s Time for the US to Face Up to Its War Crimes
ELECTION 2020: Biden Appointee Advocated Using Propaganda Against Americans
Richard Stengel signals the Biden administration’s coming escalation of suppression of online media that are seen to threaten U.S. imperatives abroad, writes Ben Norton.
ELECTION 2020: More Humane Cages?
On War, Trump Has Largely Been an Appeaser
Imperialism in Pumps
Mainstream feminism has abandoned women’s interests so thoroughly that it has largely become only superficially distinct from the patriarchy it purports to oppose, writes Caitlin Johnstone.