In Moscow, a birch tree that’s meant to symbolize U.S.-Russian friendship has several times failed to thrive, as Edward Lozansky recounts. But citizen diplomats keep trying.
In a traditional trial of the Gitmo defendants, versus a plea agreement, George W. Bush et. al. could be indicted and tried in foreign countries for war crimes, writes Andrew P. Napolitano.
Roger Waters, Scott Ritter, Andrew Napolitano, Randy Credico, Joe Lauria and Gerald Celente spoke live from Kingston, New York on Saturday. Watch the full replay.
Policymakers in both the U.S. and Europe are undertaking increasingly brazen acts of escalation in Ukraine designed to bring Russia to the breaking point.
When the feds claim that articulating views of the war in Ukraine from a Russian perspective is somehow criminal they ignore the core purpose of the First Amendment, writes Andrew P. Napolitano.
As it continues its genocidal campaign in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, Israel is demonstrating its capacity to commit war crimes in Lebanon as well, writes Marjorie Cohn.
The U.S. secretary of state ignored evidence of siege warfare against civilians in Gaza because he knew he would face no consequences, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Israel keeps attacking Al Jazeera, assassinating journalists and bombing press offices for the same reason the mafia kills witnesses. They want to commit their crimes in the dark.