Vijay Prashad explains why a group of international media organizations reject and denounce the U.S. government’s attack on Julian Assange and journalism.
The imprisoned publisher must first ask the High Court that his appeal to the Supreme Court be approved as a point of law of general public importance.
The Ukrainian vote against the U.N. resolution against Nazism was motivated by sympathy for the ideology of historic, genocidal active Nazis. It is as simple as that, writes Craig Murray.
The same corporations that lobbied against the major social spending bill also donated into Manchin’s political action committee before he blocked its passage.
U.S. government policies have treated civilians as expendable, writes Norman Solomon. Meanwhile truth tellers such as Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Nathan Hale get punished for what they expose.
Kim Moody says cost-cutting methods introduced to the Western auto industry in the 1980s have spread to every type of goods and service production, transport and retail.