COVID-19 calls on us to consider our plundered commons and unite around four truths made conspicuous by the pandemic.
Category: Trump Administration
US House Rams Through Nicaragua Regime-Change Bill with Zero Opposition
Ben Norton reports on the passage of a bipartisan bill that further intensifies the U.S. attack on the Ortega government and received no coverage in the English-language corporate media.
COVID-19: The Fed, The Virus & Inequality
Federal Judge Orders Chelsea Manning Released from Jail
The order came after the grand jury investigating WikiLeaks was dismissed, Kevin Gosztola reports.
Team Trump Failed to Bully ICC Into Dropping War Crimes Probe
Now that U.S. officials will be investigated for war crimes, the international court can expect escalating threats and retaliation by the White House, says Marjorie Cohn.
‘Bernie Bros’ Were Invented as Sexist, Racist and Anti-Semitic
The Establishment uses identity politics to divide those who might otherwise find a united voice and a common cause, writes Jonathan Cook.
Afghanistan: ‘Thank Allah We’re Out of That Quagmire’
THE ANGRY ARAB: The Lessons of the Taliban
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Moscow’s Difficult Decision on Idlib
Chile’s US-Backed Gov’t Shooting Anti-Austerity Protesters, Blinding & Maiming by the Thousands
With the U.S. and OAS looking the other way, protesters have been subjected to brutally violent repression, Ben Norton reports.