Exclusive: Official Washington is abuzz about ex-FBI Director Comey’s testimony and excited about possibly impeaching President Trump, but that misses the underlying story of a “soft coup” by the Intelligence Community, says Robert Parry.
Category: Trump Administration
The Arab Struggle Against Bigotry
Settling for a No-Win in Syria
NYT’s New Syria-Sarin Report Challenged
ISIS Attack Exposes Anti-Iran Propaganda
An ISIS-claimed terror attack in Iran killing a dozen people shows how dishonest the U.S. government has been in lumping Iran in with terror groups that it has aggressively fought, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains.
McMaster Urges Another Afghan ‘Surge’
Trump and the American Decline
Democrats Chase Red Herring of Russia-gate
Will the Neocons’ Long War Ever End?
A Half-Century of Oppression
Israel’s right-wing governments bear the greatest guilt for the last half-century of oppressing the Palestinians but the divided and ineffectual opposition has played its part, too, says Alon Ben-Meir.