Category: Secrecy

Contra-Cocaine Was a Real Conspiracy

Exclusive: The 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination saw a mainstream media blackout of nearly all evidence of conspiracy in that case. But New York Magazine went even further, mocking the proven Contra-cocaine scandal as a “conspiracy theory,” Robert Parry writes.

Almost Thwarting Nixon’s Dirtiest Trick

In 1968, the public anger over the Vietnam War tempted GOP presidential nominee Richard Nixon to sabotage Democratic peace talks to seal his victory, a dirty trick that Saigon-based journalist Beverly Deepe nearly exposed before American voters went to the polls.

JFK & the Anti-Conspiracy Conspiracy

The official investigation of JFK’s murder left many loose ends in a rush to dispel suspicions of a conspiracy, but the major U.S. news media has been even more negligent over the past half century in denouncing anyone who dares…

November Days of Drums

For most Americans who lived through John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the memories are indelible where you were, what you felt, how you processed the news a cascade of recollections continuing even a half century later, Michael Winship notes.

NSA Spying’s Economic Fallout

Many Americans were shocked at Edward Snowden’s leaks about the extent of the U.S. government’s electronic surveillance but another downside is that people around the world are now bailing out on U.S.-based Internet companies, as best they can, writes Sander…

November 1963: Days of Murder

Exclusive: Two violent events in November 1963 plunged the United States more deeply into the disastrous Vietnam War, first the assassination of South Vietnamese President Diem and three weeks later the murder of President Kennedy, recalls Beverly Deepe Keever.

Where New JFK Evidence Points

Exclusive: Media specials are on tap for the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s murder, but none will explore the troubling new evidence that has been declassified in recent years  and that undercuts the Official Story of the Lone Gunman,…

How France Sank the Iran-Nuke Deal

Why the deal on Iran’s nuclear program collapsed was clarified by Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov who described a last-minute change demanded by France (on Israel’s behalf) that went beyond what Iran had accepted, reports Gareth Porter for Inter Press Service.

Fixing Intel Around the Syria Policy

Exclusive: Senior U.S. intelligence analysts disagreed with the Obama administration’s certainty that the Syrian government was behind the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack, but that dissent was suppressed amid the rush to a near war, reports Robert Parry.

Why France Sank an Iran Nuke Deal

Exclusive: Saudis and Israelis wanted to sink the negotiated deal on Iran’s nuclear program, so the French launched the diplomatic torpedo to take it down. But behind France’s action were Saudi financial muscle and Israel’s political skill, reports Robert Parry.