One can read this most recent flurry of Russia, Russia, Russia paid the Taliban to kill GIs as an attempt to pre-empt the findings into Russiagate’s origins.
Category: Propaganda
This Russia-Afghanistan Story is Western Disinformation
Rewriting History & Rehabilitating George W Bush
UPRISING: Narrative Control Operations Escalate as America Burns
UPRISING: US Propaganda Outlets Omit Black Lives Matter Protests
It’s hard for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty to sell the USA as a shining example of civil liberties and democracy when the internet is drowning in pics of police violence, writes Yasha Levine.
UPRISING: When Tearing Down Statues Isn’t Vandalism
THE ANGRY ARAB: Distorting the Iranian-Saudi Conflict
Kim Ghattas’s new book ‘Black Wave’ is getting rave reviews, but As`ad AbuKhalil calls it pure empire advocacy.
FBI Launches Open Attack on ‘Foreign’ Alternative Media Outlets Challenging US Foreign Policy
Under FBI orders, Facebook and Google removed or restricted ads for an alternative site that publishes U.S. and European writers critical of U.S. foreign policy, Gareth Porter reports.
UPRISING: Black ‘Misleaders’ Seek to End Protest
Nationwide unrest has forced the black quisling class to reveal themselves as agents of the racial and economic status quo, writes Margaret Kimberley.
UPRISING: Confronting the Violence of State Power
For whom and for what does the state keeps its territory safe? The answer has become harder to conceal over time, writes Jonathan Cook.