Let’s get ready for a blame game. If he loses to one of the most racist, megalomaniacal presidents in history it won’t be the Left’s fault.
Category: Politics
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Damage Russiagate Has Done
‘The Emails Are Russian’ Will Be the Narrative, Regardless of Facts or Evidence
Media reaction to The New York Post’s publication of Hunter Biden’s emails shows the further deterioration of objectivity since Trump’s election in 2016, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Minneapolis City Council’s Attempt to Defund Police Thwarted by Unelected Charter Commission
Feeling Betrayed by Combat Veterans in Congress
Proposed Reform to US Espionage Act Would Create Public Interest Defense
Defendants would be able to testify about their reason for engaging in the prohibited conduct, Kevin Gosztola reports.
ELECTION 2020: Corporations Shouldn’t Manage Another Presidential Debate
The Commission on Presidential Debates is a major cause of lowest common- denominator politics, writes John Buell.
Chris Hedges: Trump’s Barrett Nomination Another Step Toward Christian Totalitarianism
The Rise of Christian Nationalism in America
ELECTION 2020: Trump’s Encouragement of GOP Ballot Watchers Echoes Old Tactic of Voter Intimidation
The 2020 presidential election will be the first in nearly 40 years conducted without the protections of a court order sparked by Republican tactics in New Jersey in 1981, writes Mark Krasovic.