As long as nuclear weapons are on a hair trigger, there’s a chance that an unstable leader or an accident could touch off Armageddon and over time that slim chance rises toward certainty. But the big powers still resist demands that they shed…
Category: Obama Administration
Israeli Rabbis Warn Kerry of God’s Wrath
Obama Ignores Key Afghan Warning
From the Archive: As the 12-year Afghan War grinds to what many Americans see as failure, ex-Defense Secretary Robert Gates and other hawks won’t admit their counterinsurgency “surge” in 2009 was a waste of lives and money or that U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry…
Shameful History of Jeff Davis Highway
Should NATO Protect the Palestinians?
Israeli hardliners have long rejected the idea of a foreign peacekeeping force on the West Bank because it might restrict Israel’s freedom to attack Palestinians. But such a proposal is now on the table and has put Prime Minister Netanyahu…