America’s Long War or Global War on Terror has taken some ugly turns as the West’s continued war-making in the Muslim world leads to new terrorism against Western targets, with no end in sight, explains Nicolas J S Davies.
Category: Media
The Kissinger Backchannel to Moscow
Hillary Clinton’s Deceptive Blame-Shifting
Exclusive: While complaining about “fake news” that undercut her campaign, Hillary Clinton continued her own “fake news” falsehood about the U.S. intelligence assessment on Russian election “meddling,” reports Robert Parry.
Missing the Real Noriega Story
Exclusive: The mainstream media’s obituaries for Gen. Manuel Noriega missed the real story: the U.S. government’s rank hypocrisy in justifying a bloody invasion that deepened Panama’s role in the drug trade, explains Jonathan Marshall.
Comprehending Today’s Russia
Libya’s Link to Manchester’s Tragedy
Trump: The Narcissist with Haters
Alleged Russia-Taliban Arms Link Disputed
The Meaning of Assange’s Persecution
Exclusive: The long legal ordeal of Julian Assange – and the continuing threats against the WikiLeaks founder – make a mockery of the West’s supposed commitment to press freedom and the public’s right to know, as Marjorie Cohn explains.