Vijay Prashad and Noam Chomsky call for an investigation of the failure of the governments of Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Narendra Modi and others to break the chain of the infection.
Category: United Nations
UN Experts Strongly Condemn US Capitol Attack
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Trump’s Foreign Policy Explained
UN Human Rights Commissioner Probing Racist Violence in US as Part of Worldwide Study After Trump Administration Blocked UN Human Rights Council US Inquiry
RAY McGOVERN: Why Michael Morell Cannot Be CIA Director
WATCH: UN Secretary General on ‘The State of the Planet’
Assassination Strengthens Iranian Hardliners; Weakens Chances of Renewed Nuclear Deal
COVID-19: UN’s $5.1 Billion Shortfall Threatens Operations Worldwide
Thalif Deen reports on a major cash crunch caused by late or non-payments amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Iranian Foreign Minister Blames US War on Terror for ‘Countless Broken Societies’
Bullets Are Not the Seeds of Life
Vijay Prashad says most endemic hunger is caused by a system that would rather waste food than feed the hungry.