Knowing well in advance that Russia would reject it, the U.S. and Ukraine announced with fanfare that its ceasefire deal was in “Russia’s court” in what was an exercise of pure public relations, writes Joe Lauria.
Ukraine will have to cede more territory than it would have in April 2022 — when the U.S. and U.K. talked it out of a peace deal — but it will gain sovereignty and international security arrangements.
Hezbollah’s ability to resist an expansionist, apartheid, Israeli, colonial project has worsened considerably in recent months. But in Beirut, Nasrallah’s funeral enjoyed a show of mass popular support.
The U.N.’s process on the partition of Palestine led to mass ethnic cleansing, stark inequality, perpetual fear and genocidal war, writes Stefan Moore.
These billionaires will make a fortune “harvesting” the remains of the empire. But they are ultimately slaying the beast that created American wealth and power.
Trump hinted he’d prefer a “nice” diplomatic deal, but Iran’s top diplomat said though he was prepared to listen it would take a lot more for Iran to begin negotiations with the U.S., writes M.K. Bhadrakumar.