A Texas school employee has sued her school district because it fired her after she refused to sign a loyalty oath to Israel, as Marjorie Cohn reports.
Category: International
STRATCOM Wishes You a Very Scary New Year
Giuliani Says Assange Should Not Be Prosecuted
Wall Street, Banks and Angry Citizens
The post-Great Recession economic “recovery” was largely reserved for participants in financial markets, not the majority working longer hours and multiple jobs, writes Nomi Prins.
Local Forces Who Defeated ISIS in Syria Defend Their Territory
The outcry against Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria reveals an appetite for regional hegemony, writes As’ad AbuKhalil. It also minimizes the capacity of native militia to defend territory for which they fought and died.
Critics of Syria Withdrawal Fueled Rise of ISIS
Too many of those protesting the removal of U.S. forces are authors of the catastrophe that tore Syria to pieces, reports Max Blumenthal for Consortium News.
A Reuters Report on Iran That Spurred US Diatribes
VIDEO: Pilger Says Assange Denies Meeting Manafort
The Guardian has claimed Paul Manafort visited Julian Assange at the Ecuador embassy. John Pilger visited Assange and tells CN’s Joe Lauria Assange strongly denied any such meeting.
COMMENTARY: Send the Mad Dog to the Corporate Kennel
Watch the 9th Vigil for Julian Assange with John Pilger, John Kiriakou and Ray McGovern
Consortium News broadcast the 9th Online Vigil for Julian Assange Friday night. Among the special guests were journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, who visited Assange at the Ecuador embassy in London. Watch the replay here.