The former national security adviser reveals a national goal that is simple and blunt: American dominance of the world, writes Michael Brenner.
Category: Middle East
Reflections on Palestinian Leadership
Jamil Hilal traces the history of Palestinian leadership from elitist to grassroots in the 1960s and 70s to its dire situation today, post-Oslo.
THE ANGRY ARAB: ‘The 1967 Defeat’ Industry
25 YEARS OF CN: ‘The Pathology of John Bolton’ — May 23, 2019
Trump’s ‘Deal’ for Palestinians: Repercussions & Responses
THE ANGRY ARAB: Distorting the Iranian-Saudi Conflict
Kim Ghattas’s new book ‘Black Wave’ is getting rave reviews, but As`ad AbuKhalil calls it pure empire advocacy.
FBI Launches Open Attack on ‘Foreign’ Alternative Media Outlets Challenging US Foreign Policy
Under FBI orders, Facebook and Google removed or restricted ads for an alternative site that publishes U.S. and European writers critical of U.S. foreign policy, Gareth Porter reports.
COVID-19: A New Appeal Against Preparations for War
In response to the atmosphere of war that the U.S. is creating during the Great Lockdown, Vijay Prashad and Abdallah El Harif are issuing a fresh appeal for peace.