This is the 10th story in our series looking back on a quarter century of journalism by Consortium News.
Category: Iraq
WATCH: The Assange Case and ‘Collateral Murder’
WATCH: CN LIVE! New Episode— ‘America in Revolt’
THE ANGRY ARAB: Iran’s Strategic Standstill
RAY McGOVERN: What if Ignored Covid-19 Warnings Had Been Leaked to WikiLeaks?
Julian Assange was arrested one year ago on Saturday and sent to Belmarsh Prison where he still languishes, a symbol of the Empire’s oppression.
On 10th Anniversary of ‘Collateral Murder’ Release: The US Soldier Who Sought to Save Iraqi Children
Militarism in Time of Pandemic: The Arrogance of the (Ongoing) US War in Iraq
Amid a Corona news blackout, Danny Sjursen says Americans are expected to forget, or ignore, that the Iraqi parliament recently asked the U.S. military to leave.
RAY McGOVERN to Joe Biden: Time for Confession
Had the Iraq war not killed, injured, displaced hundreds of thousands, the lame circumlocutions of the former vice president regarding his own culpability would be laughable.
Team Trump Failed to Bully ICC Into Dropping War Crimes Probe
Now that U.S. officials will be investigated for war crimes, the international court can expect escalating threats and retaliation by the White House, says Marjorie Cohn.