Episode 9 of CN Live! was a four-hour special on the state of relations between Washington and Moscow.
Category: Intelligence
The Devolution of US-Russia Relations
A retired Australian diplomat who served in Moscow dissects the emergence of the new Cold War and its dire consequences.
My Brush with the FBI
Thomas Haines, in this excerpt from his new book, recalls how advice from a civil liberties lawyer saved him from entrapment during the Cold War.
UK Security Services Neutralized Country’s Leading Liberal Newspaper
The Guardian has been successfully deterred from producing its former adversarial reporting on the “security state,” report Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis.
PEPE ESCOBAR: On the Road to Interview Lula, Into a Brazilian Black Hole
From Cambodia to Brazil and Argentina and back to Bangkok gave Pepe Escobar insights into the disastrous course his native land is taking.
Film ‘Official Secrets’ is the Tip of a Mammoth Iceberg
A new film depicting the whistleblower Katherine Gun, who tried to stop the Iraq invasion, is largely accurate, but the story is not over, says Sam Husseini.