Category: Income Inequality

The Lying IMF

Alternative sources of financing are beginning to empower poorer nations in the Global South to pursue projects grounded in genuine development theory, writes Vijay Prashad.

No Billion-Dollar Bailouts For Africa

Despite the millions more people in Africa — particularly women — now engulfed by extreme poverty after Covid, Vijay Prashad notes the absence of urgent phone calls between world capitals or emergency Zoom meetings between central banks. 

Chris Hedges: Woke Imperialism

Diversity is important. But when it is devoid of a political agenda it recruits a tiny segment of those marginalized by society into unjust structures to help perpetuate them. 

What Makes a Thieving Culture

With an eye on the layoffs underway in the tech sector, Sam Pizzigati says the most accomplished corporate thieves never fear indictment. They steal in broad daylight. 

France Erupts Against Macron’s Pension Plan

Despite widespread opposition to raising the retirement age, many French lawmakers remain determined to fulfill the president’s election pledge to overhaul the nation’s pension system, Kenny Stancil reports.

Workers and Democracy

Vijay Prashad highlights workers’ struggles in the second half of the 20th century against Third World dictatorial regimes put in place by anti-communist oligarchies and their allies in the West. 

Bolsonarism Without Bolsonaro

The World Bank has sounded the alarm, but the forces of “centrism” — beholden to billionaires and the politics of austerity — refuse to pivot away from the neoliberal catastrophe, writes Vijay Prashad.