Contradictions beset the U.S. war over Iraq and Syria. The principal target ISIS wouldn’t even exist but for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, and al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria have benefited from defections of U.S.-backed “moderates.” But now warplanes and missiles are…
Category: Human Rights
Obama’s Novel Lawyering to Bomb Syria
High Cost of Bad Journalism on Ukraine
How Money Silences Criticism of Israel
Israel’s never-ending persecution of Palestinians is opening a chasm between the world’s public, which is growing disgusted by Israeli behavior, and Western elites who shy from criticism because of career fears and financial dependence, observes Lawrence Davidson.
Blocking a ‘Realist’ Strategy on the Mideast
How Obama’s New War Could Backfire
Cameras to Detect ‘Abnormal’ Behavior
Reported US-Syrian Accord on Air Strikes
More Neocon Hypocrisy in the Mideast
America’s neocons are now advancing their “regime change” goals in the Mideast by tarring “enemies,” like Syria’s largely secular government, as “Islamist” while shielding “friends” like Saudi Arabia despite its intense religiosity, yet one more double standard, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar.