BBC reports on suspicious destruction of Mariupol theater were co-authored by a Ukrainian PR agent tied to a firm at the forefront of her country’s information warfare efforts, reports Max Blumenthal.
The authors raise the brutal U.S. military misadventures committed during the first Cold War in the name of defending “the free world,” a term Biden ominously revived in his State of the Union address.
Shadowy U.K. intel figure Hamish de Bretton-Gordon was at the forefront of chemical weapons deceptions in Syria. Now in Ukraine, he’s up to his old tricks again, writes Kit Klarenberg at The Gray Zone.
Consortium News editor-in-chief Joe Lauria and former C.I.A. officer John Kiriakou join Shadowproof‘s Kevin Gosztola for a conversation about the importance of alternative media during the Russia-Ukraine War.