WATCH: Finale of Assange US Tour at National Press Club in Washington


The U.S. tour of Julian Assange’s father and brother culminates in a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington on Wednesday, joined by Cornel West and Ryan Grim. Watch the replay. 

With the WikiLeaks‘ publisher still in Belmarsh Prison in London awaiting the U.K. High Court decision on whether to accept the U.S. application for appeal of a judge’s order not to extradite Assange, his father and brother, John and Gabriel Shipton, are concluding a three-week tour of the United States.

From Miami to Boston to New York, Chicago, St. Paul, Denver, Oakland, Los Angeles and Washington DC, the tour has called on President Joe Biden to withdraw the application for appeal and drop the Espionage Act and computer intrusion charges against Assange.

Watch the replay of the Press Club event, with scholar Cornel West and journalist Ryan Grim, from Washington, courtesy of Assange Defense.




11 comments for “WATCH: Finale of Assange US Tour at National Press Club in Washington

  1. brett
    July 1, 2021 at 14:44

    Juian, thank you for your service!

  2. A.
    July 1, 2021 at 06:59

    One of the main reasons Assange was abandoned (and still is) is because the CIA did their job so well and so easily weaponised progressive values and bias against those for whom their virtue signalling was such an important part of their identity. It was like shooting fish in a barrel, and even now the embarrassment is so raw those that abandoned Assange shy away from owning the real reason for their total failure.

    Thanks for publishing CN.

  3. Nalda Kingston-Smith
    July 1, 2021 at 05:26

    I challenge both LNP and Labor Party plus ALL Australians to listen to this Washington Press Club forum and not be moved and proud of the fact that Julian Assange an Australian Journalist has woken the world up to fact that his publication of the war atrocities in Afghanistan AND the suffered horrendous consequences for it: Please listen to the entire Washington Press Club release and support this Australian man and his family.BRING HIM HOME !

  4. john Stanley
    July 1, 2021 at 02:58

    Dropping the absurd Assange charges is an opportunity for the American establishment to show a little maturity and escape from their hostility to all other nation states and to those who make well founded criticism of the USA’s appalling record of aggression
    john Stanley

  5. June 30, 2021 at 19:57

    It is an insult to US integrity to plot harm to Wikileaks and Julian ASSANGE for merely reporting the truth of misguided and embarrassing US “foreign policy” that led to American lynch mob mentality over this!!
    I am a Navy veteran AND a former newspaper and wire service journalist!!

  6. Heather
    June 30, 2021 at 17:10

    journalists have competing commitments… in these days… sense of security, safety
    its an internal blindspots that are too deep to surface willingly.

  7. Marlena Santoyo
    June 30, 2021 at 15:50


  8. Carolyn L Zaremba
    June 30, 2021 at 12:59

    There is to date no mention in the “mainstream”, i.e., corporate, media about the confession of the child molester and embezzler Thordarson that he lied and made up his allegations against Julian out of whole cloth. The alternative presss has been doing its best to spread the word, but as far as the government-controlled media is concerned, it hasn’t happened. This is, of course, an outrage and we must continue to holler and clamor as loudly as we can against this corporate omerta. Continue to support alternative media like Consortium News, the WSWS, Caitlin Johnstone, RT and even Democracy Now, since they are the only outlets reporting on this massive deception!

  9. Sally McMillan
    June 30, 2021 at 10:46

    We need truth, not moderation.

  10. Sally
    June 30, 2021 at 10:45

    The MIC has taken over both the press and the government. We presently have a corporate press that is biased in what it is reporting. We can no longer trust either. It is very sad for America when the honest reporters and whistleblowers are the ones who are charged with crimes like espionage for telling the truth. My thanks and apology to Julian Assange, and the other journalists and whistleblowers. who are the real heroes of democracy.

    • Terre
      July 1, 2021 at 21:49

      God bless Julian Assange,his family,Cornel West and Mr.Grin.Plus everyone who makes the effort to understand and appreciate the integrity,
      perserverance, and courage Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange have mustered on behalf of us all.It imperative that all details of governmental mendacity ,chicanery,and cruel injustice be analyzed and revealed.In as many forums as possible.I hope Oliver Stone is planning a movie.And I pray for Assange and Manning.

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