Tag: Joe Biden

Craig Murray: Who Runs America?

We seem to live in a strange age where politics relies more than ever on the big lie technique, even as social media makes the exposure of such lies inevitable.

Netanyahu Commands, US Obeys

UPDATED: U.S. support for Israel’s genocide against Palestine is rooted not only in campaign financing but other factors, including a rigid ideology stuck in the shadow of World War II, writes Joe Lauria.

Harris Would Continue Gaza Genocide

The empire’s behavior is no more changed with a new president — Trump or Harris — than a corporation is changed with a new secretary at the front desk of its main office, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

NATO SUMMIT: Collectively Losing Their Minds

Soon after Russia entered Ukraine, the Pentagon corrected Antony Blinken for saying Kiev would get NATO fighter jets. Blinken was applauded at the NATO summit yesterday for saying F-16s would soon arrive in Ukraine. What changed? asks Joe Lauria.

Biden: ‘I’m Running the World’

The comment by the sitting U.S. president in Friday’s interview has been ignored by the mainstream, but its megalomania is at the heart of why Joe Biden is defying his party and remaining in the race, writes Joe Lauria.