Economic and medical warfare during the pandemic amounts to a crime against humanity, writes Marjorie Cohn.
At a time of a global health and economic crisis, some UN officials, such as the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, are calling for lifting sanctions around the world.
Photojournalist Alyson McClaran captured the tense confrontation in a series of photos posted to social media on Sunday, reports Jake Johnson.
“We now have enough observations of current drought and tree-ring records of past drought to say that we’re on the same trajectory as the worst prehistoric droughts.”
History teaches us that epidemics are more like revelatory moments than social transformers, writes Pepe Escobar.
The lessons we learn from coronavirus will come from our experiences, not from Thucydides, but he offers a description of a city-state in crisis as poignant and powerful now, as it was in 430BC, writes Chris Mackie.
The conflict in Libya is perhaps the most dramatic example of the tests faced by Africans in the Security Council, Maurizio Guerrero reports.