The grip that neocons and liberal interventionists have on Official Washington’s opinion circles is now so strong that “realists” who once provided an important counterbalance have been almost banished from foreign policy debates, a dangerous dilemma that James W Carden explores.
Tag: Washington Post
WPost’s Deadly Lack of Realism
Dangerous Punditry on Syria
Neocons Object to Syrian Democracy
A Day When Journalism Died
A ‘See-No-Evil’ Drone War
Tangled Threads of US False Narratives
MH-17 Case: ‘Old’ Journalism vs. ‘New’
Exclusive: For skilled intelligence operatives, the Internet can be a devil’s playground, a place to circulate doctored photos, audio and documents, making investigations based on “social media” and such sources particularly risky, a point worth recalling in the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17,…