While indirectly backing the genocidal atrocities it now denounces in Sudan, the Biden administration pushes through an $8 billion weapons shipment to Israel as a blood-soaked punctuation mark on the U.S. president’s far-too-long political career.
Tag: Sudan
AS’AD AbuKHALIL: Who Is Fighting Whom in Sudan?
Nonviolent Guerrilla Cartographers
THE ANGRY ARAB: The US Just Blackmailed Sudan
Bullets Are Not the Seeds of Life
Vijay Prashad says most endemic hunger is caused by a system that would rather waste food than feed the hungry.
The Fight for Bread Became a Fight for Freedom
After being at the forefront of the recent protests, Sudanese women are being sidelined in the post-revolutionary political process, Alaa Salah told the UN Security Council.