Tag: Robert Parry

Neocon Name-Calling on Iran Deal

Exclusive: The neocons won’t give up on their agenda for more “regime change” in the Middle East, as they lash out at President Obama for daring to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program rather than use it as an excuse…

End-of-Year Fund Goal Set at $35,000

From Editor Robert Parry: Our end-of-year fund drive is always our most important, because it sets the parameters for how ambitious our investigative projects will be in the New Year. We are hoping to raise $35,000. Please contribute what you…

A Saudi-Israeli Defeat on Iran Deal

Exclusive: The Saudi-Israeli alliance hoped to sink a deal between Iran and world powers that limits but doesn’t end Iran’s nuclear program, so the deal’s signing in Geneva is both a defeat for that new alliance and a victory for President…

Who Controls US Foreign Policy?

Exclusive: The new Saudi-Israeli alliance wants to drag the U.S. government — and military — into the region’s Sunni-Shiite sectarian conflict by sabotaging negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program and the Syrian civil war, reports Robert Parry.

The Saudi-Israeli Tag Team

Exclusive: As the Obama administration scrambles to salvage a deal with Iran on its nuclear program, the new Saudi-Israeli alliance shows off its muscles in bending politicians and policies to its will, Robert Parry reports.

Consortiumnews Turns 18, a Milestone

From Editor Robert Parry: If Web sites could vote, Consortiumnews.com, which is turning 18 years old, would now be eligible. It was launched in mid-November 1995 as the first investigative news Web site on the Internet. You can help it…

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in October focused on the Republican government shutdown, the bravery of Edward Snowden, the grim history of American slavery, and the rise of the Israeli-Saudi alliance.

Fixing Intel Around the Syria Policy

Exclusive: Senior U.S. intelligence analysts disagreed with the Obama administration’s certainty that the Syrian government was behind the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack, but that dissent was suppressed amid the rush to a near war, reports Robert Parry.

Neocons Still Hoping for US-Iran Clash

Exclusive: The Israelis, the Saudis and U.S. neocons are thrilled that the latest plan for limiting (but not ending) Iran’s nuclear program collapsed, thus reviving hopes of an eventual U.S. military strike, writes Robert Parry.

Why France Sank an Iran Nuke Deal

Exclusive: Saudis and Israelis wanted to sink the negotiated deal on Iran’s nuclear program, so the French launched the diplomatic torpedo to take it down. But behind France’s action were Saudi financial muscle and Israel’s political skill, reports Robert Parry.