Tag: Richard Norton-Taylor

Keir Starmer’s Red Button

The new U.K. prime minister controls a nuclear arsenal capable of killing millions of people, writes Richard Norton-Taylor. History suggests it should be scrapped.

Britain’s Revolving Door

Senior civil servants and military top brass move seamlessly into lucrative jobs in companies they were previously responsible for regulating, writes Richard Norton-Taylor. 

The British Coup That Wasn’t Quite?

Allegations about efforts within the U.K. establishment to bring down Britain’s Labour government in the 1960s and 70s have resurfaced with a file released on Tuesday by the National Archives, Richard Norton-Taylor reports.

Sweeping Threat to Free Speech in UK

Journalists and civil-society staffers could be sentenced to life imprisonment for offences committed under a bill championed by Home Secretary Prit Patel, Richard Norton-Taylor reports. 

Britain’s Occupied Territory

Richard Norton-Taylor flags the U.K.’s dispute with Mauritius over sovereignty of the Chagos archipelago in the Indian Ocean, where the largest island hosts a major U.S. bomber base.