Tag: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

10 Principles for 21st Century Peace

An extensive and historically unprecedented set of international institutions offer invaluable tools for pursuing what Immanuel Kant called a “federation of free states,” writes Jeffrey Sachs.

Secrecy & Empire

Under the guise of protecting the national interest, Australia’s security establishment acts in secret to uphold the global U.S.-led imperial order, writes Clinton Fernandes. 

Might Israel Ever Surrender Its Nukes?

Just as apartheid South Africa once secretly possessed nuclear weapons and vowed to hold down its black majority forever, Israel is approaching a crossroads where it must decide if it will accept Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza as…

The Risk of Not Worrying about the Bomb

The nuclear sword of Damocles has been dangling over humanity for so many years that it’s taken for granted, even amid the U.S. State Department’s juvenile jousting over Ukraine. But carelessness could make it more likely to fall with unspeakable…

Big-Power Foot-Dragging on Nukes

Most recent talk about nukes has focused on Iran, which doesn’t have one — and is accepting new constraints to show it won’t build one. But there’s been a long-delayed debate on a 44-year-old commitment by existing nuclear states to…

Taking an Iran Option Off the Table

President Obama’s repetitious warning to Iran that “all options are on the table” carries with it the implicit threat of a nuclear strike against a non-nuclear state, a violation of previously declared principles and a provocation that encourages Iran to build…