Tag: Neo-Nazis

Pity the Nation

Fact-based arguments Scott Ritter made challenging the case for war against Iraq were effectively silenced. Today he sees the same template in play towards anyone challenging the dogma of “Putinism.”

ROBERT PARRY: Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis Demand Respect

Thousands of Ukraine’s neo-Nazis surrounded parliament in Kiev demanding the government honor Ukrainian paramilitary forces who fought for Adolf Hitler, another embarrassing reminder of the extremism unleashed by the U.S.-backed coup, Robert Parry wrote on Oct. 15, 2014.

The Alt-Right’s Alternative Reality

President Trump’s “Alt-Right” is a grab bag of mostly incoherent or contradictory ideas derived from white resentments. Now, it will be played off against the Republican establishment with unpredictable results, as JP Sottile explains.

Donald Trump’s Defining Moments

Donald Trump’s “reality TV” presidency revolves around his penchant for ignoring diplomatic tradition and brushing aside political decency in favor of stirring up his “base,” a dangerous approach, says Lawrence Davidson.