Despite a lack of evidence at its core – and the risk of nuclear conflagration as its by-product – Russia-gate remains the go-to accusation for “getting” the Trump administration, explains Russia scholar Stephen F. Cohen.
Tag: Michael Flynn
Missing the Significance of Israel-gate
Amid the U.S. mainstream media’s hyping of Russia-gate, there has been much less attention given to what some call “Israel-gate,” evidence that Israel was wielding much more behind-the-scenes influence, reports Dennis J Bernstein.
The Scalp-Taking of Gen. Flynn
‘Soft Coup’ on Trump, Hiding in Plain Sight
The Kissinger Backchannel to Moscow
Turkey’s Varied Tactics of US Lobbying
When the Trump Coup-makers Cometh
Turning Gen. Flynn into Road Kill
The Trump/Obama ‘Leak War’
“Leaks” can be whistleblowers exposing government wrongdoing, but many actually are government agencies manipulating the public or punishing enemies, as is playing out in today’s Trump/Obama “leak war,” says Rick Sterling.