Tag: Margaret Thatcher

When Thatcher Met Mandela

As soon as Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years, in still apartheid South Africa, U.K. officials lobbied him for business interests, declassified files show, reports Mark Curtis.

Craig Murray: Extreme Policing

People are getting arrested at a factory in the U.K. belonging to Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer for doing nothing but exercising the democratic right to protest.

The Billionaire Bailout Society

The collapse and bailout of Silicon Valley Bank shows little has changed for reckless financial actors, writes Les Leopold. If financial institutions are so interconnected that we can’t let them fail, they should be run as publicly owned utilities.

Craig Murray: Fascistic Judges

The jailing of three U.K. climate activists should provide another warning to anyone expecting judges to defend liberties. The current legal establishment will adapt itself to whatever legal framework is ordained by the rulers.

The Unreluctant Vassal

Unlike Germany and France, for instance, which at times reluctantly follow Washington’s orders, Britain is an eager co-participant in U.S. adventurism, says Joe Lauria.

It Doesn’t Trickle Down

Kate Pickett touts the Club of Rome’s “Earth4All” prescription for a root-and-branch reshaping of the economy, away from neoliberal, extractive capitalism.