Tag: Lawrence Davidson

Thomas Friedman & The Myth of Liberal Israel

What you now see so publicly demonstrated is, and always has been, Zionist Israel’s true culture and character — a state designed for one group alone and built on the conquest and dispossession of others, writes Lawrence Davidson.

The US Left & War in Ukraine

Lawrence Davidson says Matthew Duss, Bernie Sanders’ foreign policy adviser, denies his own country’s role in bringing about Russia’s war in Ukraine.   

Propaganda Shapes the Past, Present & Future

Lawrence Davidson examines how indoctrination from previous eras is being resurrected around two crises — U.S. curricula and foreign policy — with debate raging around one and largely absent from the other. 

Schism in US Judaism Deepens

As the Ultra-Orthodox pack their bags for Israel, Lawrence Davidson says other American Jews remain in place and continue an increasingly heated debate over human rights versus Zionism.

The Bell Tolls for Israel

The danger inherent in a Zionist state ideology was recognized even before the Balfour Declaration was announced in 1917, writes Lawrence Davidson.

A Forever Foreign Policy Debate

America’s failure to heed Eisenhower’s warning about the military industrial complex can be blamed on U.S. democracy itself, writes Lawrence Davidson.