Guests who visited WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange in the Ecuador embassy have sued the C.I.A., former C.I.A. Director Mike Pompeo and Spanish security firm UC Global for allegedly violating their 4th Amendment rights.
At a rally before the Parliament building in Canberra on Thursday, Australian politicians decried the British and U.S. governments’ persecution of Australian journalist Julian Assange, the imprisoned publisher of WikiLeaks, and demanded that he be released.
The United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel, responsible for military fiascos, hundreds of thousands of deaths and innumerable war crimes in the Middle East, are now plotting to attack Iran.
“We are going to use every appeal avenue,” Stella Assange told a London press conference on Friday after the home secretary signed the extradition order, reports Joe Lauria.
The imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher can now appeal her decision to the High Court, as well as the points of law he lost when the magistrate’s court initially blocked the extradition.
Jill Stein, Bill Hogan, Sue Wareham & Mary Kostakidis join CN Live! tonight 7pm EDT on Doctors for Assange’s letter telling Priti Patel it is medically and ethically “unacceptable” to extradite Julian Assange to the U.S.
More than 300 Doctors For Assange have written to Home Secretary Priti Patel to not make the U.K. “complicit in the slow-motion execution” of Julian Assange.
CN Live! is in London and looks back at the seven years that the WikiLeaks publisher was exiled in the Ecuador Embassy, with Fidel Narváez and Emmy Butlin.