Tag: International Criminal Court

ICJ Orders Israel Stop Rafah Attack

The World Court on Friday ordered that Israel immediately halt its assault on the city of Rafah in Gaza after a request from South Africa, which brought genocide charges against Israel, reports Joe Lauria.

Craig Murray: Murder

It is not that people are worried that a claim of genocide will not be successful at the International Court of Justice. It is that everybody is quite sure it will succeed.

A Year Since Shireen Abu Akleh’s Killing

Justice for the Al Jazeera journalist — so far delayed — would serve press freedom in the occupied territories, where at least 20 journalists have been killed by Israeli forces in the last two decades.

In Praise of ‘Whataboutism’

The word “whataboutism” is used to silence and insult opponents of U.S. imperialism. It should be embraced to reveal what is too often kept hidden, writes Margaret Kimberley.