From the Archive: Official Washington operates with a reverse “meritocracy,” the more clueless the pundits are the more esteem they seem to get as long as they conform to the latest “group think.” Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen is a prime example, Robert Parry noted…
Tag: George H.W. Bush
How Israel Out-Foxed US Presidents
Bush-41 Finally Speaks on Iraq War
‘Paint-balling’ the Presidents
In arguing for peace with Iran, President Obama noted he had waged war in seven countries, an admission that if made by, say, Vladimir Putin would have set off tirades, but underscores how routinely violent U.S. presidents have become, a…
The Bush Dynasty’s Back Story
From Editor Robert Parry: With Jeb Bush’s hat in the ring, one could say the Bush Family doesn’t want all the U.S. presidencies, just the odd-numbered ones, with Jeb shooting for “45” to go with his dad’s “41” and his brother’s “43.”…
Jeb Bush’s Tangled Past
Losing the American Republic
The US-Israel-Iran Triangle’s Tangled History
Jeb Bush’s Iraq War Cop-Out
How Human Rights Can Build Haiti
American interventions in Haiti are often sold as paternalistic charity for a basket-case country, but the U.S. interference has often done more harm than good for the impoverished nation where two lawyers have tried to a different approach, building human…