Unlike Germany and France, for instance, which at times reluctantly follow Washington’s orders, Britain is an eager co-participant in U.S. adventurism, says Joe Lauria.
The West has made a snap judgment about who is responsible for the massacre at the Ukrainian town of Bucha with calls for more stringent sanctions on Russia, but the question of guilt is far from decided, writes Joe Lauria.
Emmanuel Macron said in a speech Wednesday it’s a lie that Russia is fighting Nazis in Ukraine. But in 2014, the BBC, the NYT, the Daily Telegraph and CNN — not just CN — reported on the Nazi threat.
Russia was condemned at the U.N. Security Council Monday for recognizing the independence of Lugansk and Donetsk and sending in troops for what it called a peacekeeping role. Germany put a stop to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Blinken’s certainty about an “invasion” is suspicious. He may know more than he’s saying: such as the date of the Kiev offensive, perhaps designed to provoke the invasion he is so sure will happen, writes Joe Lauria.
Russia’s goal is not to destroy Ukraine—this could be accomplished at any time. Rather, the goal of Russia is to destroy NATO by exposing its impotence, writes Scott Ritter.
Analysts Alexander Mercouris and Scott Ritter break down the drama between Russia, the United States, NATO and Ukraine in an extraordinary discussion on CN Live! Read the transcript.
The U.S. has called for a U.N. Security Council meeting on Monday at 10 am in order for Russia to “explain itself” over U.S. allegations that Moscow will “imminently” invade Ukraine, a charge even Kiev has denied. Watch it here.