Tag: Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg’s Not Yet Goodbye

Daniel Ellsberg, a giant of American history for leaking the Pentagon Papers, wrote the following email to friends on Wednesday, including Consortium News, and has today decided to make it public. 

Daniel Ellsberg: Indict Me Too

Daniel Ellsberg has called on the U.S. to indict him for having the same unauthorized possession of classified material as Julian Assange. Ellsberg follows the Cryptome.org founder who has also invited prosecution, reports Joe Lauria.

WATCH: CN Live! — ‘The War on Journalism’

With DC Action for Assange, CN Live! screened Juan Passarelli’s film The War on Journalism in Washington Sunday, followed by discussion with Passarelli, Daniel Ellsberg, James Goodale, John Kiriakou, Stefania Maurizi, Cathy Vogan and Chip Gibbons. Watch the replay.