Shadowy U.K. intel figure Hamish de Bretton-Gordon was at the forefront of chemical weapons deceptions in Syria. Now in Ukraine, he’s up to his old tricks again, writes Kit Klarenberg at The Gray Zone.
These private admissions obtained by The Grayzone further expose the public whitewash of the Douma cover-up, and undermine the ongoing attacks on the whistleblowers who challenged it, Aaron Maté reports.
A Newsweek journalist has resigned after the publication reportedly suppressed his story about the ever-growing OPCW scandal, the revelation of immensely significant plot holes in the establishment Syria narrative, reports Caitlin Johnstone.
The celebrated White Helmets of Oscar fame appeared to have made their own feature film in Duma on the night of the alleged chemical attack, as Ann Wright explains.
A report by the Independent’s veteran Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk quotes doctors in Douma saying victims suffered from dust inhalation and that a member of the White Helmets caused panic by falsely shouting, “Gas!” in a triage center. The…
As American drums beat again for war, Rick Sterling steps back to contemplate the possible consequences this time.
As Israel threatens an expanded war against Syria and Lebanon, an emotional justification is the alleged April 4 sarin attack that was blamed on the Syrian government despite huge holes in the evidence, as Rick Sterling reports.