Tag: Caitlin Johnstone

Obscuring Mass Murder

As Israeli siege warfare cuts Gazans off from both electricity and communications, we’re seeing the lights go out in Gaza in more ways than one, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

Journalism Itself Locked Up in Belmarsh

It’s not just a man who is imprisoned for the crime of good journalism, but also the idea that anyone should be permitted to expose the criminality of the world’s most powerful and tyrannical people, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

Get Ready for ‘Ukraine War into the 2030s’

Demanding Russia end its aggressions without the west agreeing to end its own aggressions that led to this conflict is demanding Russia submit to being ruled and dominated by the western empire, says Caitlin Johnstone.

It’s Hard to Think About the End of the World

Tony Blinken, the top U.S. diplomat, just made comments about U.S.-supplied long-range missiles that further raise the risks of a direct confrontation between the world’s two nuclear superpowers, writes Caitlin Johnstone. 

NATO Chief: NATO Expansion Caused Russian Invasion

It’s the damnedest thing how you’re called a Kremlin agent for saying the war was provoked by NATO expansionism and it serves U.S. interests, even when NATO and U.S. officials openly admit the same thing, writes Caitlin Johnstone.