The feds apparently believe that the First Amendment has some holes in it for the speech that the government hates and fears, writes Andrew P. Napolitano.
Tag: American Revolution
Refugees After the American Revolution
Spy v. Spy: The First Patriots Day
Thomas Jefferson: America’s Founding Sociopath
Special Report: For many Americans, Thomas Jefferson is the beloved author of the Declaration of Independence so they broach no criticism of him. But the real Jefferson may have been America’s founding sociopath, a man of racist self-interest and endless hypocrisies, writes…
The Troubling Message of Inaugurals
Pundits talk about presidential Inaugurals as celebrations of democracy, but the pomp and circumstance attended by Marine guards and punctuated by cannon fire carry an implicit message of intimidation that is closer to monarchy than a people’s government, writes Joe…
A Shot for a Possible New World
Exclusive: President Obama’s reelection perhaps even more than his first victory marks a potential shift in the political and economic structure of the United States, as the old white ruling elite loses its grip. There is even a chance for revolutionary…