On May Day, Americans were more aware of the plight of workers than at any time in decades, argues Peter Dreier.
Category: Until This Day–Historical Perspectives on the News
How Britain’s Labour Govt Facilitated Massacre of Biafrans in Nigeria – To Protect its Oil Interests
Declassified British files show that Harold Wilson’s government secretly armed and backed Nigeria’s aggression against the secessionist region, Mark Curtis reports.
COVID-19: Diary of Samuel Pepys Shows How Life Under Bubonic Plague Mirrored Today’s Pandemic
During the outbreak, the diarist was very concerned with his frame of mind; he constantly mentioned that he was trying to be in good spirits, writes Ute Lotz-Heumann.
THE ANGRY ARAB: When a History of the Left is Written by Its Opponents
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Espionage is the Charge, But He’s Really Accused of Sedition
The U.S. is trying to extradite Julian Assange to stand trial for espionage, but even though sedition is no longer on the books, that’s what the U.S. is really charging him with, says Joe Lauria.
COVID-19: We Can’t Allow Trump to Destroy the Postal Service: Union Official
Donald Trump is threatening the Post Office’s vital services during a pandemic in which 900 postal workers have tested positive and over 35 have died, writes Chuck Zlatkin.
COVID-19: Healthcare Workers Block Protest Against Colorado Stay-Home Order
Photojournalist Alyson McClaran captured the tense confrontation in a series of photos posted to social media on Sunday, reports Jake Johnson.
COVID-19: Thucydides and the Plague of Athens
The lessons we learn from coronavirus will come from our experiences, not from Thucydides, but he offers a description of a city-state in crisis as poignant and powerful now, as it was in 430BC, writes Chris Mackie.
LEE CAMP: Four Reasons the Ruling Elite Love This Crisis
COVID-19: Fighting Recession: Public Investment, Not Debt
It’s time to stop pretending that we can’t create money, says Andrew Spannaus. It already happens, just not in a way that helps the majority of citizens.