Some of the most vulnerable Americans lack access to the real-time information people need to respond to COVID-19, writes Gregory Porumbescu.
Category: U.S.
COVID-19: A Lesson Coronavirus is About to Teach the World
Jonathan Cook says we have always been bound together in a miraculous web of life on our planet and beyond; stardust in an unfathomably large and complex universe.
COVID-19: On the Front Lines of Coronavirus: A Doctor’s View
What is currently unfolding in the U.S. is what happens when you develop a healthcare system predicated around extracting profit from sick bodies, writes Mike Pappas.
COVID-19: An ‘Exceptional’ Nation Fails its People as CN’s Editor First Learned 20 Years Ago
Militarism in Time of Pandemic: The Arrogance of the (Ongoing) US War in Iraq
Amid a Corona news blackout, Danny Sjursen says Americans are expected to forget, or ignore, that the Iraqi parliament recently asked the U.S. military to leave.
The New York Times’ Insidious Ongoing Disinformation Campaign on Russia & Elections
A series of stories loudly proclaim the Russian election meddling narrative but offer no real facts supporting the most sensational claims, writes Gareth Porter.
COVID-19: PATRICK LAWRENCE: The US National Emergency
COVID-19 calls on us to consider our plundered commons and unite around four truths made conspicuous by the pandemic.
COVID-19: The American Mask of Death
Health industry executives themselves are at risk because they’ve put profit before public health, says Joe Lauria.
RAY McGOVERN to Joe Biden: Time for Confession
Had the Iraq war not killed, injured, displaced hundreds of thousands, the lame circumlocutions of the former vice president regarding his own culpability would be laughable.
US House Rams Through Nicaragua Regime-Change Bill with Zero Opposition
Ben Norton reports on the passage of a bipartisan bill that further intensifies the U.S. attack on the Ortega government and received no coverage in the English-language corporate media.