The video, with more than 181,000 views, in which top U.S. officials in 2014 discuss changing the Ukrainian government, had been removed from YouTube after more than 8 years.
Starbucks in Chile has been fined the most for anti-union practices devised in Seattle headquarters, where a tough campaign against U.S. employees has been brewed, writes Andrés Giordano.
Irina Starovoyt, a Ukrainian poet from Lvov, spoke with CN Live! during PEN International’s annual writers’ meeting in Bled, Slovenia on Russia’s motives, the role of neo-Nazis and the 2014 events in Ukraine.
You can be sure that these obscene, unverified charges against Russian forces won’t attract the social-media censors who are supposedly rooting out “disinformation.”
The president followed his remarks Monday by unveiling an Indo-Pacific trade pact designed to advance U.S. corporate interests and counter Chinese influence in the region.
Amid persistent La Niña conditions and a generally hotter, thirstier atmosphere, Imtiaz Rangwala describes the various forms of drought that lie ahead, some of which coincide with higher levels of precipitation.