Category: U.S. Congress

Deal or No Deal?

In a traditional trial of the Gitmo defendants, versus a plea agreement, George W. Bush et. al. could be indicted and tried in foreign countries for war crimes, writes Andrew P. Napolitano.

Blinken Lied to Congress

The U.S. secretary of state ignored evidence of siege warfare against civilians in Gaza because he knew he would face no consequences, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

Gitmo & Politics

Andrew P. Napolitano on a state of affairs unheard of in American jurisprudence, where judges don’t have bosses telling them what guilty pleas to accept and what to reject.

Searching for Monsters

Public acceptance of U.S. foreign excess — searching for monsters to destroy — leads to acceptance of war, and to acceptance of war by other means, writes Andrew P. Napolitano.

When Presidents Kill

History is littered with examples of tyrants using the powers of the state to kill for no moral purpose, writes Andrew P. Napolitano.