Criticizing his predecessors for misguided foreign wars, President Trump promised a break in that approach, but his National Security Strategy report indicates a shift more in rhetoric than substance, reports Dennis J. Bernstein.
Category: Trump Administration
UN Members Show Spine in Rebuffing Trump
President Trump and Ambassador Nikki Haley tried to bully the U.N. into accepting Trump’s decision on Jerusalem as Israel’s capital but – in a rare show of independence – most U.N. members pushed back, notes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar.
The Israel-gate Side of Russia-gate
The Strangelovian Russia-gate Myth
The Strangelovian palaver of Russia-gate is embraced by many liberals as some totem to ward off the vile Donald Trump, but this dishonest process only furthers the cause of American Empire and risks global destruction, says poet Phil Rockstroh.
Why Loss of Net Neutrality Hurts Democracy
The principle of every person having equal access to the Internet represented a strong pillar of modern democracy — and its removal represents another victory for profit-dominated plutocracy, as Dennis J Bernstein explains.
Intel Vets Tell Trump Iran Is Not Top Terror Sponsor
Trump’s Gross Hypocrisy on Yemen War
Delusional Self-Interest in Trump’s Jerusalem Move
President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital let him boast about his courage but he ignored both international law and U.S. interests in delivering this gift to the Israel Lobby, as Lawrence Davidson explains.
Questioning the Russia-gate ‘Motive’
A key pillar of the Russia-gate affair is the assumption that Russia’s leaders wanted to stop Hillary Clinton and boost Donald Trump, but the Kremlin’s views on last year’s election were much more nuanced, writes Gilbert Doctorow.