Peddlers of Russia-gate have boosted the U.S. president’s re-election campaign, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Category: Russiagate
A Prediction 3 Days Before the 2016 Election on How the Democrats Would Use Russia-gate to Try to Depose Trump
Consortium News Editor Joe Lauria predicted on Nov. 5, 2016 that should Clinton lose, the Democrats would blame Russia to try to remove Trump from office, even without evidence. It was the birth of Russia-gate.
Consortium News’ Record on Russia-gate—A Series of Articles on How CN Covered the ‘Scandal’: No. 1—‘The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate’
From the “scandal’s” outset, Consortium News adopted journalistic skepticism, led by founding editor, the late Robert Parry, with Ray McGovern, Daniel Lazare, Patrick Lawrence, Gareth Porter, Joe Lauria & VIPS debunking much of the mania that seized the land.
VIPS: Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings
Russia-gate Grand Wizard Deceives Audience About Assange
Obsessed Russia-gaters just can’t accept that the Assange indictment has nothing to do with the 2016 election, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
The Real Motive Behind the FBI Plan to Investigate Trump as a Russian Agent
Dismantling the Doomsday Machines
Watch the 14th Vigil for Assange
Julian Assange’s lawyers filed a petition with the Inter-American Court for Human Rights and WikiLeaks is mentioned in a new Mueller indictment unveiled Friday, two of the topics that were discussed on the 14th Vigil on Friday.