The film Oppenheimer has reignited discussion of the political and moral circumstances surrounding the U.S. atomic attack 78 years ago today on Hiroshima. Here are 10 articles CN ran on the 75th anniversary exploring the debate over the bomb.
A U.S. federal judge in Virginia this week refused to dismiss the torture suit against CACI Premier Technology, a military-industrial complex linchpin based in nearby Arlington.
While the world focuses on the trials and travails of the scientists who invented the atomic bomb, little attention is paid to the hard positions taken by the nuclear executioners, the men called upon to drop these bombs in time of war.
Once the jobs left and Democrats abandoned working men and women, people became desperate in the author’s hometown in Maine — as in tens of thousands of white, rural enclaves across the country.
The dysfunction of the Atlantic military alliance over Ukrainian membership was just the most public manifestation of the debacle that was the Vilnius summit.
Across the U.S., anti-war veterans and their allies are working together in an effort to stop the U.S. military from reaching its recruitment goals, writes Ruben Abrahams Brosbe.
In the second part of her coverage of the Australian Defence Department’s new Frigates project, Michelle Fahy says it is a jobs merry-go-round for former military officers, bureaucrats and weapons makers.
Pentagon officials acknowledge that it will be some time before robot generals are commanding vast numbers of U.S. troops and autonomous weapons in battle, writes Michael T. Klare. But they have several projects to test and perfect it.
Empires built on dominance achieved through a powerful, expansionist military necessarily become ever more authoritarian, corrupt and dysfunctional, writes William J. Astore. Ultimately, they are fated to fail.